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Exploring the Cultural Value of Sustainability with Our Partners

January 20, 2025

Exploring the Cultural Value of Sustainability with Our Partners

At Farglory Land, we see our workplace as a testing ground for exploring new possibilities in reusing construction waste. Through continuous experimentation, we strive to integrate sustainability into our daily operations. Our participation in META Motion 2024 | The Usefulness of the Useless, an exhibition curated by our partner META Design, provided an opportunity to showcase our collaboration while inviting visitors to experience firsthand how construction waste can be transformed into functional and aesthetic elements in the workplace.
The META Motion 2024 | The Usefulness of the Useless exhibition, curated by META Design, brought together projects in collaboration with key industry partners, including Farglory Land, Taiwan Power Company, and HURC. The exhibition was held at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park in Taipei for 16 days at the end of 2024. An Immersive Experience: Walking into a Construction Site Rather than presenting a traditional design exhibition that only displays finished works, META Design created an immersive experience that allowed visitors to engage with the concepts behind these projects. Upon entering, visitors encountered two large-scale installations built from reclaimed wood formwork. This setup gave attendees the feeling of stepping into a real construction site while conveying the project’s core message: “Transforming construction waste so it never leaves the site.” Alongside this exhibit, Farglory Land also hosted guided workplace tours, helping visitors understand both the philosophy and real-world applications of upcycled materials.

The Wood Formwork Chair Installation – A Step-by-Step Transformation

One of the highlights of the exhibition was the Wood Formwork Chair Installation, which showcased the entire journey of transforming discarded wood formwork into a functional chair. Each stage—collection, disassembly, nail removal, sanding, and woodworking—was carefully documented within the installation. This piece not only demonstrated the upcycling process but also emphasized the craftsmanship and human effort behind each transformation. “I never imagined construction waste had so many uses!”  The exhibition attracted over 6,800 visitors, and feedback from the event survey revealed that more than 70% of attendees were particularly impressed by The Jobsite Plan exhibit. Many visitors expressed amazement at the versatility of construction waste, and the exhibition successfully challenged the common misconception that the construction industry only harms the environment. Since launching FG Next in 2018, our efforts have led to results beyond what we originally envisioned. We will continue working alongside our partners, hoping that the journey ahead will be marked by even more inspiring and innovative transformations.
META Motion 2024 | The Usefulness of the Useless
Curated by: META Design
Co-organizers: Farglory Land, TPCreative, TPC Public Art, HURC
Photo Credit: META Design
Related Links: (https://www.metadesign.com.tw/
META Motion 2024 | The Usefulness of the Useless (https://www.metamotion.com.tw/)

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